Sunday, May 18, 2014

New Blog, New Website, New Effort

I've had a make shift blog on our old website. Now, with the new website I'm starting fresh with a new blog. 

This short piece I'm writing is just to make certain I'm catching up with the 21st Century. I think I know what I'm supposed to be doing and how the blog works with the new improved, beautiful website Daryl & I have struggled to get to Acorn-IS, our web designers.  (Thanks Brandi, our Acorn assistant.)

In the near future I"ll be writing about stuff that matters to me & you. After all, I do want you to read this blog, that's why I write the darn thing. Daryl has been pestering me to write timely posts for my old blog and that didn't happen. I promise to you and him, I will post more often then I have in the past.
